

All of today was uneventful. I stayed up until 2 last night watching the first season of Laguna Beach. You know, that show about all those rich kids in Orange County spending their parents money and partying and surfing and shopping? Yeah, well I had never seen it. So I watched the entire first season between last night and this morning. I'm going to start the second season once I'm done writing. Unfortunately, I buy into all of those types of shows. It got me stoked for California this summer though! The next part of my day consisted of watching the Packers beat the Eagles. I was surprised they won. It seems like all the underdog teams in the playoffs have been winning. I just realized this is such a lame post. This is the beginning of my last week of break and I have a ton to do. Tomorrow is dedicated to college applications for the second time. I also start tutoring tomorrow. I'm nervous and excited. More excited, but just nervous because Tory's tires got slashed there. Tuesday and Thursday I'll be spending the entire day at HWS helping out in first grade. Wednesday and Thursday I really need to start two of my classes for next semester. I've been putting it off the entire break which is not good. I'm starting to get really nervous about six classes. Oh well, I'll deal.

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