

What a cool date. Today was eventful. I spent all day at the school then I hung out with the boyfriend. We went to Chili's. I saw like 8 people I know. That always happens in Chili's. I don't know why either. It doesn't happen anywhere else. Anyway, I saw Ben. Ben lives down the street from me and we've been friends since kindergarten. I guess we aren't that close anymore, which is sad. Then I saw Nikki and Sarah because they both work there. I love Nikki. Her and I are a lot alike, because we don't take shit from people. We speak our minds and don't care what people I think. And Sarah's just a goof. I love her. I'm glad that her and I are still friends after everything that happened with Taylor-Rae. I'm glad we've stuck together. Anyways, after Chili's I hung out with Kim. We went to Target, to keep tradition. Then we went to Ulta, where I bought a waxing kit. We decided to go get ice cream, so we called her boyfriend, Steve, and his friend Dylan. I kind of hate the name Dylan. It just sounds stupid to me. But he was nice. When I got home I tested out the waxing kit. Not too bad. It was pretty easy. But I'll have to finish the tops of my eyebrows tomorrow because for some reason my right eye has been hurting all day. I feel like I dropped some hot sauce in it. That's a figure of speech that I just made up. But it's burning and I have no idea why. Tonight was the season premier of Teen Mom 2, but unfortunately, I was unable to watch. It was on at 9 and 10, but I lost my remote the other day. I am seriously getting so mad about losing it. I had it on my bed on Sunday night and when I went to find it yesterday, it was gone. I've even started cleaning my room and moving stuff around in order to find it. It's funny because I had absolutely NO motivation to clean my room, but now that I've lost the remote, I've found the motivation. All that for a stupid clicker. But it's really making me mad because I can't change the channels manually either. So my TV is stuck on E! That's not that bad because I basically love all the shows on that channel, but I also want to watch other stuff. So now that I've missed Teen Mom, I tried to look it up on MTV.com or Hulu. Well, guess what? It's not posted yet, which makes sense. But that pisses me off. So I guess I'll just have to wait until tomorrow. After work. Yuck. I'm excited though because I have nothing to do all day. Yay for days off!

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