

I am so sorry. I was doing so well at writing everyday. My internet was down and I had to go buy new stuff for it and set it up. But I'm here now. Temporarily at least. I'm on my moms computer because I can't remember how to set up the WIFI. oops. I'll figure it out soon.



What a cool date. Today was eventful. I spent all day at the school then I hung out with the boyfriend. We went to Chili's. I saw like 8 people I know. That always happens in Chili's. I don't know why either. It doesn't happen anywhere else. Anyway, I saw Ben. Ben lives down the street from me and we've been friends since kindergarten. I guess we aren't that close anymore, which is sad. Then I saw Nikki and Sarah because they both work there. I love Nikki. Her and I are a lot alike, because we don't take shit from people. We speak our minds and don't care what people I think. And Sarah's just a goof. I love her. I'm glad that her and I are still friends after everything that happened with Taylor-Rae. I'm glad we've stuck together. Anyways, after Chili's I hung out with Kim. We went to Target, to keep tradition. Then we went to Ulta, where I bought a waxing kit. We decided to go get ice cream, so we called her boyfriend, Steve, and his friend Dylan. I kind of hate the name Dylan. It just sounds stupid to me. But he was nice. When I got home I tested out the waxing kit. Not too bad. It was pretty easy. But I'll have to finish the tops of my eyebrows tomorrow because for some reason my right eye has been hurting all day. I feel like I dropped some hot sauce in it. That's a figure of speech that I just made up. But it's burning and I have no idea why. Tonight was the season premier of Teen Mom 2, but unfortunately, I was unable to watch. It was on at 9 and 10, but I lost my remote the other day. I am seriously getting so mad about losing it. I had it on my bed on Sunday night and when I went to find it yesterday, it was gone. I've even started cleaning my room and moving stuff around in order to find it. It's funny because I had absolutely NO motivation to clean my room, but now that I've lost the remote, I've found the motivation. All that for a stupid clicker. But it's really making me mad because I can't change the channels manually either. So my TV is stuck on E! That's not that bad because I basically love all the shows on that channel, but I also want to watch other stuff. So now that I've missed Teen Mom, I tried to look it up on MTV.com or Hulu. Well, guess what? It's not posted yet, which makes sense. But that pisses me off. So I guess I'll just have to wait until tomorrow. After work. Yuck. I'm excited though because I have nothing to do all day. Yay for days off!



Well today I finished my application to Illinois. And I started working at the apartments. It was fun. I helped some kids. It was cool. This is the absolute worst post ever. I really don't know what to write about. Okay, bye.



All of today was uneventful. I stayed up until 2 last night watching the first season of Laguna Beach. You know, that show about all those rich kids in Orange County spending their parents money and partying and surfing and shopping? Yeah, well I had never seen it. So I watched the entire first season between last night and this morning. I'm going to start the second season once I'm done writing. Unfortunately, I buy into all of those types of shows. It got me stoked for California this summer though! The next part of my day consisted of watching the Packers beat the Eagles. I was surprised they won. It seems like all the underdog teams in the playoffs have been winning. I just realized this is such a lame post. This is the beginning of my last week of break and I have a ton to do. Tomorrow is dedicated to college applications for the second time. I also start tutoring tomorrow. I'm nervous and excited. More excited, but just nervous because Tory's tires got slashed there. Tuesday and Thursday I'll be spending the entire day at HWS helping out in first grade. Wednesday and Thursday I really need to start two of my classes for next semester. I've been putting it off the entire break which is not good. I'm starting to get really nervous about six classes. Oh well, I'll deal.


im such a dork
notice the calendar of my week behind me.

latest read: kardashian confidential
read it! so good

funny stuff!

Chelsea Handler is hilarious.
This just happens to be my favorite!


There are some things in life that I'll never understand. Now that I say that, I'll never be able to list multiple things. I'll never understand how boys can play video games for hours on end. Maybe I would understand it if I had something to compare it to. But really, there's nothing I do for a long period of time. Another thing I don't get is how people go to school and do absolutely nothing while there. I mean, if you're there, you may as well make your time worth it, right? And besides, doing nothing is so boring. So being at school for like 7 hours a day, and doing nothing the whole time? Don't you get bored? I don't know. I don't understand how there are so many horrible drivers in the world. I've developed road rage because of the other drivers out there. There should be a law that makes older people retake drivers education. Seriously. It drives me nuts when my parents ask me to assist them with new technology. They always ask how to work things. Really? I don't even need to read the instructions, I just mess around until I get it. It pisses me off. And probably my last big thing is: how can boys have no emotions? Well, I know they do. But I mean like girls do. I guess I don't really mind them not showing emotions, but have a little sympathy for us, okay?


t swift !

love this song <3

"Sparks Fly"

The way you move is like a full on rainstorm
And I'm a house of cards
You're the kind of reckless
That should send me runnin'
But I kinda know that I won't get far
And you stood there in front of me
Just close enough to touch
Close enough to hope you couldn't see
What I was thinking of

Drop everything now
Meet me in the pouring rain
Kiss me on the sidewalk
Take away the pain
'cause I see sparks fly whenever you smile
Get me with those green eyes, baby, as the lights go down
Give me something that'll haunt me when you're not around
'cause I see sparks fly whenever you smile

My mind forgets to remind me
You're a bad idea
You touch me once and it's really something,
You find I'm even better than you imagined I would be.
I'm on my guard for the rest of the world
But with you I know it's no good
And I could wait patiently but I really wish you would...

Drop everything now
Meet me in the pouring rain
Kiss me on the sidewalk
Take away the pain
'cause I see sparks fly whenever you smile
Get me with those green eyes, baby, as the lights go down
Give me something that'll haunt me when you're not around
'cause I see sparks fly whenever you smile

I run my fingers through your hair and watch the lights go wild.
Just keep on keeping your eyes on me, it's just wrong enough to make it feel right.
Lead me up the staircase
Won't you whisper soft and slow?
I'm captivated by you, baby, like a firework show.

Drop everything now,
Meet me in the pouring rain,
Kiss me on the sidewalk,
Take away the pain
'cause I see sparks fly whenever you smile.
Get me with those green eyes, baby, as the lights go down
Give me something that'll haunt me when you're not around
'cause I see sparks fly whenever you smile

The sparks fly...
Oh, baby, smile...
The sparks fly... 


It's going to be an intense night of blogging, people. It's Friday night and I'm home by 9. This is pathetic. It's all due to stupid fights. I hate fighting, but I especially hate fighting when I know I'm right. And then I just continue to argue. It's stupid. But that's why I'm home by 9. I don't understand why there is nothing good on TV on Friday nights. I guess it's because most people are out and about. But still, that's no reason for TV to be shit. I typically watch MTV, but Texas Chainsaw Massacre is on. I really don't like scary movies, but I'm always up for watching them with a guy (: In fact, the last time I did watch it was with a special guy. But not tonight, because I'm alone.

I've been thinking a lot about stuff. Just random thoughts. I always think about the past. I remember little details of past crushes and it really makes me wonder, do you remember too? I kind of think that only girls remember these little things. With the past comes thoughts about things you want to change. I think back to my life in high school and I would change countless things. But I can't, so I can only make those changes for the future. Everything is going to change when I go away.

So I've determined a goal. Since I began my diet 3 days ago, I've been thinking of a time goal. Usually it's Spring Break, but I'm not going anywhere. But I'm going to California in August, so that's my goal. 30 pounds gone by August 1st. That's like 7 months! I'm pretty excited for it. But it's a family reunion which sucks. There's no one my age. So hopefully I'll be able to take someone. But I doubt that'll happen.

Jersey Shore last night was pretty good. It's going to be an exciting season. I can't believe I actually watch that show, but it's a guilty pleasure. It's so entertaining. Along with that, 16 & Pregnant and Teen Mom are two of my favorite shows. Some people say it glorifies teenage pregnancy, but it's literally scared me out of child birth.

So the only good show on TV right now is Four Weddings. It's where four brides compete for a honeymoon vacation. It's okay. Sometimes these ladies scare me. Can you say bridezilla? I can't imagine that I'll be that way. Hopefully not. But that's a while from now.

I got my haircut today! It's two inches shorter. It's been wayyy too long since I've gotten a haircut. It was in August. That's disgusting. My hair looked gross but now it looks the way it does right after a haircut. It's all square looking, you know? At least girl haircuts don't look as stupid as guys do right afterwards. All guys look so goofy and I can't help but laugh. And it's true. You'll start noticing now.



girls suck. i really hate being friends with girls because all they do is fight. boys are so much easier to get along with. i admit that i can be a bitch but so can every other girl out there. i have had so many friends just ditch me for no reason at all. i still do have a lot of friends that are girls but we don't necessarily hang out all the time. its not like we got into a fight or anything, we've just grown apart. which sucks, but its better than getting in a fight. i have had two instances where friends have stopped talking to me. i tried to ask why and got no answer but they treated me like crap. i hate people like that and i will never do that to anyone. i cant wait until i go away and can start fresh. but for now, ill stick with the good friends.

i feel like im a pretty easy going person. not high maintenance. i try to go with the flow as much as possible. im laid back. i like making everyone happy. don't you think that would make an easy friend?

anyways, im so blessed to have so many good people in my life. i still have friends that i have known since kindergarten. every year i meet new people and i love it. its so fun to meet new people! anywaysss, this was a really dumb post so sorry! (: